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Kevin Francis


Fascinating article and fits in with the key theme of Stephen Pierce's big event in Detroit this past weekend (which I attended).

The key theme of the weekend (although a lot of people didn't seem to "get it") was creativity and innovation.

To get to the point, if you want your message to get across to people, you have to be aware of these trends that are going on and what's going on in the mind of your potential client.

If you want to write copy at the most effective level (and I certainly do!), in my opinion you will have to go beyond the old copywriting rules. Doing what everyone else is doing simply will not be good enough. That's why I'm going to the "Breakthrough Copywriting" event and I wouldn't miss this for anything!

Signing off from chilly Detroit!

David Garfinkel

Hi Kevin,

I really like what you're saying.

An interesting distinction:

Creativity _per se_ can be very dangerous in copywriting. Throwing a new idea against the wall to see if it will stick is a very expensive, and imprudent, way to test.

However, INNOVATION -- taking what works and coming up with an innovative twist -- is the stuff fortunes are made of.

We'll cover this in precise detail in Las Vegas, along with many other important rules of thumb. I'm glad you're looking foward to it; needless to say, so am I!


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